“Test your servants for ten days; let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink.
Daniel 1:12 (ESV)
In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks. [3] I ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full three weeks.
Daniel 10:2-3 (ESV)
Letter from Pastor:
Oasis Family,
We are excited to begin this journey! God is going to do amazing things for us & others during this time. Our church family is going to grow by leaps & bounds spiritually.
As we research Daniel Fast Recipes & guidelines you will notice that there are variances in guidelines. ex: Some say you can not have canned veggies & fruits but others say you can...So as you shop for foods it is important to read the ingredients, it should have 4 or less. I looked at a can of green beans tonight & it only had green beans, water & sea salt, so it would be acceptable to eat.
Some allow sweeteners that are natural and some do not. The key is to stay as close to natural as possible.
You can use Google or Pinterest to help research.
The main reason for the next 21 days is to focus on God. This time will prepare us to hear from God. If you begin to crave things you are not supposed to have, I want to encourage you to pick up the word of God, find a place to pray or turn on some worship music. This will get your focus on Him and away from other thoughts.
If you have any questions please feel free to text or call Sis. Lisa or I.
Love you & praying for you
Pastor & Sis. Lisa
Oasis Family,
We are excited to begin this journey! God is going to do amazing things for us & others during this time. Our church family is going to grow by leaps & bounds spiritually.
As we research Daniel Fast Recipes & guidelines you will notice that there are variances in guidelines. ex: Some say you can not have canned veggies & fruits but others say you can...So as you shop for foods it is important to read the ingredients, it should have 4 or less. I looked at a can of green beans tonight & it only had green beans, water & sea salt, so it would be acceptable to eat.
Some allow sweeteners that are natural and some do not. The key is to stay as close to natural as possible.
You can use Google or Pinterest to help research.
The main reason for the next 21 days is to focus on God. This time will prepare us to hear from God. If you begin to crave things you are not supposed to have, I want to encourage you to pick up the word of God, find a place to pray or turn on some worship music. This will get your focus on Him and away from other thoughts.
If you have any questions please feel free to text or call Sis. Lisa or I.
Love you & praying for you
Pastor & Sis. Lisa